Born in a humble Tunisian family, Karim Gharbi moved to Saint-Denis, France at the age of 16 and started producing RAP music.
Karim Gharbi, Tunisian entrepreneur and Founder of BigKoin and other Businesses in Dubai, specializes in tech, crypto, and virtual development.
Small is beautiful, scale is necessary.
Help make a better world free from all forms of exploitation, discrimination, and violence
Invest in the next generation
We work together to build a future where everybody enjoys equal rights and has enough to eat every day.
Universal healthcare access
We work together to build a future where everybody enjoys equal rights and has enough to eat every day.
Universal education access
We strive to create inclusive learning environments that cater to the diverse needs and circumstances of learners.

Social Responsibility
Striving for objectivity is essential in every facet of life. Objectivity is distinct from impartiality, as it represents our endeavor to maintain a balanced perspective on society.
Prolific Goodwill Ambassador in action
Help make a better World.
Eid Al Adha
As Eid Al Adha approached, we distributed 1000 sheep to deprived families in remote regions of Tunisia between the North and South.
In March 2020 with the Covid-19 Pandemic, K2, distributed 2000 bags of food for needy families and he has also provided masks and other items to the children and medical staff at the Al-Azizia Othmana Hospital Cancer-Living Facility in Tunis